Hillary Clinton said that education was one of the most valuable assets that we should continue to invest in, to protect and to share with the rest of the world. In any period and in any place, education is a great power not only for the next generation but also for people who wish to change their future.
In the late EDO period, “HAN” or domain established a domain school. Well-known domain schools in Niigata are “SYUUDOUKAN” of “TAKADA HAN” and “SOUTOKUKAN” of “NAGAOKA HAN”.
However, at “KATAKAI” in Ojiya, village officials called “SHYOUYA”, doctors and Buddhist priests invested in and established a private school called “CHOUYOUKAN” in 1779. Later the name was changed to KOUDOKUDOU in 1842 and continued until the establishment of “KATAKAI” elementary school.
A private school like “CHOUYOUKAN” is called “GOUGAKUSYO”, where “SECCHUUGAKU” was taught for local people earning their living by agriculture. It is said that contents of lecture was very rational and practical.
The spirit of the private citizen in EDO era was succeeded by Ojiyan people. “MEISYOUJYUKU” is a school established by the Ojiya machine and electronics industries cooperative, “OJIYA TEKKOU DENSI KYOUDOU KUMIAI” in order to produce many skilled machinery engineers and to transmit skills and techniques to the next generation.
There are graves of successive head masters of “CHOUYOUKAN” at “CHYUUJIYAMA” in “KATAKAI”. These gravestones are designated as a cultural property by Ojiya city.
