

It is commonly known as “Tenshou Nikki” written by “Ogawa Takashige”, a Shito priest of “UONUMA JINJYA”, in 1588 (“Tensho” is a Japanese era). The historical record describes annual events of the shrine and its subordinate shrines, for instance, ceremonies, offerings, prayers and customs of mixture of Buddhism and Shitoism of those days.

I haven’t read the record yet and just guess what might be described is the same events as the present shrines hold like “Tsuina Shiki”. This is a ceremony to drive out evil spirits and invite happiness in February.

Some people dress up as “Oni” devils. Parched beans are scattered against them and in an entire house. You would find some scattered beans on the floor after a few days and eat them (Don’t worry. Shells of peanuts are used recently so you can eat the inside of them).

If anyone knows what the record describes and where I can read it, please, let me know.

“UONUMA JINJYA NENCHUU GYOUJI KI” is designated as one of cultural properties by Ojiya city.

