How do you spend your hot summer days? I will suggest you the coolest way to keep your body cooler.
At the beginning of the path leading to a site of an ancient castle, “TOKIMIZU JYOUSHI”, you can drink “BABASHIMIZU”, the water from the “NISHIYAMA” mountain range in Ojiya. The water is used for brewing Japanese sake and very cool even in summer. People used to believe that the water cured a disease.
After enjoying the cool breeze, you should try “TOKOROTEN”, gelidium jelly strips made from agar-agar. That is one of traditional ways to keep your body cool. The half transparent strips make you feel cooler.
Do you know how to eat “TOKOROTEN”? Yes, only with a chopstick! I don’t know why they don’t use chopsticks but maybe if you pick up “TOKOROTEN” with two sticks, they are easily cut into pieces.
Of course, “BABASHIMIZU” is used for the “TOKOROTEN” at the site. That is the best “TOKOROTEN” ever! Why don’t you visit Ojiya in this summer and be cool!
